We Get Your Sprinkler System Flowing Like a Pro.
Sprinkler System Maintenance
Annual inspections and seasonal startup
Cleaning sprinkler nozzles
Redirecting/adjusting sprinkler heads
Raising/straightening sprinkler heads
Inspecting drip system tubing
Testing rain/freeze sensors
Reprogramming sprinkler controllers

Sprinkler System Retrofit
Retrofitting drip zones with the correct tubing for a specific application
Retrofitting sprinkler zones with the correct nozzles for even distribution
Retrofitting sprinkler head types for increased system efficiency and overspray problems
Retrofitting sprinkler zones to correct hydraulic problems caused by too many heads on one zone
Retrofitting sprinkler control boxes to Wi-Fi based controllers that utilize water conservation software
Sprinkler Repair System
Repairing broken sprinkler heads/nozzles
Repairing drip tubing
Repairing broken sprinkler pipes
Repair/replacement of sprinkler valves
Repairing sprinkler system electrical wiring and electrical faults
Replacing sprinkler system control boxes (timers)
Repairing backflow valves and water tie-in connections

Sprinkler System Education
Sprinkler system basics of operation
Sprinkler system layout and key component locations
Sprinkler system programming and timer use
Maximizing the use of sprinkler system water application
Basic sprinkler system maintenance that any homeowner can perform
Sprinkler System Installation
Installing new sprinkler systems
Adding sprinkler system zones
Splitting sprinkler system zones

Installing French drain systems
Installing sump pump powered drain systems
Installing solid pipe and catch basin drain systems
Connecting gutter downspouts to drain systems
Re-grading of slope to improve or correct bad drainage